1. Declaration of Admission Policy

Our Lady of Triumph Institute of Technology, Inc. is open to all students who meet the academic standards who are personally qualified to acquire formal education regardless of demographics (diversity in gender, sexual orientation, race, economic status, social class, ethnicity, language, religion, culture, beliefs, and abilities)  and are willing to abide by the rules and ideals of this institution.

  1. Classification of Students and Admission Policy
  2. New Students/High School Graduates

 A student will be admitted after having complied with the admission

requirements and procedures prescribed by the Academic Council. Upon enrollment, a new student is required to submit the following:

  1. Original Form 138 (High school Card)
  2. Original Copy of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Birth Certificate
  3. Original Copy of Good Moral Certificate
  4. 2 copies of 2×2 recent I.D pictures (colored with white background)
  5. Other admission requirements as may be required by existing CHED PSG (Policies, Standards and Guidelines).


  1. College Transferees


Transferees are those who wish to enroll in OLT after having enrolled in other

institutions for the past term/s. They are required to submit the following:


  1. Honorable Dismissal from school last attended
  2. Original Copy of Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Birth Certificate
  3. Original Copy of Certificate of Good Moral Character
  4. 2 copies of 2×2 recent I.D. pictures (colored with white background)
  5. Other admission requirements as may be required by existing CHED PSG (Policies, Standards and Guidelines).


  1. Returnees


Returnees are students who discontinued their studies in OLT as long as they have not enrolled in any other school after leaving OLT. At the time of enrollment, a returnee must secure a copy of his/her grades for the previous semesters he/she has enrolled at OLT.


  1. Shiftee


Students who, after enrollment wish or are advised to transfer from one

program to another program must first see the Registrar to get the shifting

form. The shifters must see the Dean of the program where he/she intends to

shift for the signature. The shifter will see the registrar for verification and



III. Admission Requirements for Other Types of Students


  1. Classification of Other Types of Students


  1. Foreign Students


Non-immigrant aliens with proper authorization in the Philippine school of their choice should apply for admission from the office of the Registrar. A complete copy of the official transcript from high school and college records should be presented with an application for admission to the Registrar. When the record is found to be satisfactory, it will be forwarded to CHED Regional office. A copy of the Certificate of Eligibility for Admission (CEA) together with the Certificate of Acceptance will be sent to the applicant. Only upon the receipt of these documents from the school should an application for a student visa be made, no foreign student is allowed to enroll unless he/she can submit a valid permit to study, a verified Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR), and a student visa to the Registrar’s Office.


  1. Philippine Resident Alien Students


Students must submit to the Registrar’s Office three (3) photocopies of their Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR). The original copy of the ACR should be presented for verification.


  1. Naturalized Filipino Citizen


They must submit a copy of their Identification Certificate issued and

authenticated by the Immigration Commissioner. PVAO Students with educational benefits under Republic Act No. 65 are required to submit

upon enrollment PVAO Form No. 2-2-c2 (Enrolment and Billing form) in order to avail of the benefits under this Act.


  1. Special Students


They are those who are not qualified for college work but are nevertheless admitted into the school because they have sufficient abilities to benefit to receive official credit for their work. Special students may be admitted at any time to the course which they wish to attend provided that:


  1. They receive the approval of the Dean/Department head for each of

the programs they propose to enroll;

  1. They execute a contract in which they waive the right to receive and

demand credit for the work done, and pay in full all the fees of the


iii. They are required to submit a medical certificate from a certified



  1. Guidelines


  1. Students enrolled in the School of Hospitality and Tourism

Management shall complete the College Admission Requirement

before the official enrolment is accepted.


  1. A continuing student may not be accepted for enrolment when he/she has committed a grave violation of the Student Handbook and has become an undesirable student in the institution.


  1. Students with physical and medical conditions are subject to the

assessment of the academic council.


  1. Transferees are required to see the College Dean for an interview.